Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Man in Me!

The Man in me
sometimes calm
sometimes wild
and sometimes stubborn
just like a child
The Man in me!

The Man in me
seeks people's advice
hear what they say
but do the things
in his own way
The Man in me!

The Man in me
is a wannabe
seeks limelight
and to the worst
for it he fight
The Man in me!

The Man in me
always fool around
and doesn't care
but to see the things
he's always there
The Man in me!

The Man in me
whilst being alone
like a solitary loon
braves chilly weather
and hates afternoon
The Man in me!

The Man in me
wherever he be might
and, no doubt, he fight
but for Thee
he does write
The Man in me!

The Man in me
always happy and gay
treading his way
but hates to be called
the counter of RAY
The Man in me! ;)